Irene Bracho
Irene specializes in litigation, arbitration, and other alternative dispute resolution methods.
She has advised several companies and renowned banks and financial institutions in the resolution of litigation and arbitration of various kinds, including legal advice in construction, consumer protection, regulated markets, among others.
She also has experience in other alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, negotiation, and conciliation.
In 2023, Irene was appointed as a Young Arbitrator of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CAM Santiago).
Also, she previously worked as an associate lawyer at Morales & Besa (2015- 2017) and Bulnes Urrutia & Bustamante (2017-2018). Subsequently, she worked as in-house counsel at AFP Cuprum (2018 – 2021).
She is co-author of the Publication “Foreign investment – Doing Business in Chile. Chilean-British Chamber (2017).
Appointed as arbitrator judge of the Court of Appeals of Santiago and Talca for the years 2025-2026.
- Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Católica (2013).
- Diploma “Current Problems of Consumer Contract Law”, Universidad de Chile (2016).
- Academy “Litigation Skills”, California Western School of Law, United States (2016).
- Course on Investment Management and Capital Markets, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2019).
- Master in Mediation, Arbitration, and Conflict Management in Private Law, Universitat de València, Spain (2020-2021).
Legal 500
- Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Litigation (2025).